Fruitful Linkages!

Gain new customers overseas for your high quality product


Acregate is an agency for the introduction, promotion and sustaining of long term relationships for the sale of agricultural products.

We realize short lines in the value chain of producer and offtaker. We help to bring your high quality product to the market of your wish and add value by finding the right customer for the size and type of your business.

We operate as an agency for local and international producers. We support your business by creating and maintaining long term relationships with your clients. 





Your product and processes must be ready for your target market. We start with an intake process to verify you're ready.


The best fits for your company are being selected and contacted to let your company enter their procurement processes.


Long term relationships demand your company to be sensitive to the needs of its customers. We are your eyes and ears.


Wilfried van Meerveld

Sales agent